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It is said that while his body lay in state, during the night his body extruded some matter and fluids. It is thought this happened due to the poor care taken in embalming Henry. In the morning his body was found with dogs licking at the fluids. This coincided with a curse laid on him by the catholic church after reformation. The curse went something like" dogs will lick your bones for your actions".

It was actually William the Conquerer who's stomach exploded at their funeral. His funeral was awful because Thieves came and stole his jewels, The church set on fire and then due to the mix of the gas and the fire in his just...exploded ... :S

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13y ago
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13y ago

He exploded in his coffin due to the rotting of his puss.

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16y ago

It was the body of William the Conqueror (William I) that burst open in his coffin.

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12y ago

His remains became a mummy, despite the forces of decomposition.

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11y ago

Yeah, I was there. Very messy, took the maids days to clean up.

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