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If you believe the revolution was to free the people from the oppression of the few, then yes Lenin & Stalin betrayed the will of the Russian people. Evil dictators like Josef Stalin are what you get when the theory of Marxism is attempted in practice. Marxism is eventually forced on people. The 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia is a case in point. It sounded like a great idea to the supporters, however the leaders, like Lenin, had mislead these people. Who's revolution was it anyway? However, the Bolshevik Revolution was flawed from the beginning because of its aims, its ideology, and its leaders. In fact, every Communist revolution (ie Russia, China, Cuba) has brought the same sort of resulting totalitarian government that was worse than the one it revolted against.

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Well his policies turned the USSR into a major superpower, During WW2 Stalin's policies created 2,000 factories and caused an industrial revolution which was the same size of the US's within a few years. Without him The past USSR wouldn't have been as powerful and probably wouldn't have existed at all. He is also responsible for a number of executions as well but when he died he was very popular and was mourned across the world.

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