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Q: City governments are granted a charter from the?
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City governments are granted a charter from?

. . . . from the state.

Who grants a charter to most city governments?

A charter is most often granted by a state

Who grants a charter to most city?

A charter is most often granted by a state

What powers do local governments have?

The powers of local governments generally depend on those conferred upon them by higher-level jurisdictions (such as a provincial or state government). For example, the powers of local governments in the Canadian province of British Columbia are as set out in the Municipalities Act of the provincial legislature. Additional powers can be granted with supplementary legislation, such as those granted by the Vancouver Charter for the City of Vancouver (above and beyond those powers already granted to other local governments).

Who was the English king who granted the charter for Jamestown?

The charter of 1606 was issued by King James I to the Virginia Company.

What city has the oldest charter in the world?

Probably Albany, New York. The region was first explored by the Dutch in 1609-1610, and eventually, in 1664, it became a British colony. When Thomas Dongan was governor of the colony, he granted a charter, in the name of the King, to the city of Albany on July 22, 1686. According to local historians, this charter still governs the city, making it the oldest charter still in force in the United States.

Who Granted a charter to a group of English businessmen?

King James I granted a charter to a group of English businessmen.

Who granted the charter?

Queen Elizabeth I granted the charter to the first English company to do business on a wide scale in India.

King James 1 granted charter to the Virginia company?

king James granted a charter to Virginia to plant what

Legal basis of government in Phoenix?

Question is a little unclear. Are you referring to the City Charter granted by the Arizona Legislature?

Who granted a charter to a group of English businessman?

Queen Elizabeth I granted the charter to the first English company to do business on a wide scale in India.

Why was lord Baltimore granted a charter?

He was Granted a charter so he could establish the Maryland colony. It was going to be a catholic colony, but My Protestants can in then Catholics.