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Yes, a United States citizen can join the German Army. Once you have joined the service you can work your way up to becoming an officer.

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Q: Can a US citizen become a German army officer?
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Indian citizens are not Gurkhas. The Gurhas are a specific regiment in the British Army, primarily recruited from Nepal. Though any citizen of the Commonwealth may join the British army it would be extremely rare for someone other than a Nepalese to become a member of the Gurkhas except as a commisioned officer.

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you must not have a criminal background and you must be at a healthyweight you cannot be over weight you must pass written test ifyou are not a u.s. citizen proof of citizen ship is required

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Von Steuben.

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An officer in the Army can become a police officer if they meet the same requirements as anyone else. The Army officer would have to leave active duty and either move entirely into civilian life or continue in the Army Reserves or National Guard to accept a position as a civilian police officer.

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The continental army was mostly trained by Anton von Steubon, a German born officer.

Can a America join the German Army?

not a 100% shore but if you terminate your us citizen ship you can apply for a German one and German pass port then you can apply but you have to speak German.

Can an Somalia join the Chinese army?

No, unless you become a Chinese citizen.

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