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Q: A person who leaves a country to live elsewhere?
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What is a person who leaves his or her country to live in another country?


What do you call a person that leaves his own country and settles abroad?

An expatriate or expat is a person who leaves their own country to live and settle in another country.

What is the person who leaves his or her own country to live in another country called?


What is a person doing who leaves his country to live in another country?

Immigrant.. immigrating to other country..

A person leaving a country to go live permanently in another country is called?

A person who leaves a country to go live permanently in another is called an emmigrant,

What is a person called that leaves one country to live in another?


What is an economic emigrant?

Someone who leaves a country to live elsewhere in order to achieve their economic desires (as opposed to for non-economic reasons, such as political persecution).

What does the word immigrants mean?

A person who leaves one country to settle permanently in another.A plant or animal that establishes itself in an area where it previously did not exist.Someone who moves into your country to live, from a foreign country.

Where the koalas live what type of plants are their?

Koalas live in the wild in Australia and in zoos elsewhere in the world . They love to eat eucalyptus leaves.

What is the French term for person who leaves one country to live in another?

émigrant or immigrant (same meanings as the English cognates)

What do you call a person who goes into a new country to live?

An immigrant is a person who moves from their home country to another country to live permanently.

What the definition of immgrant?

A new immigrant is someone who has recently left the land where they were born and have arrived in the country where they are going to start a new life.