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Blue jays migrate along the Great Lakes and Atlantic coasts of North America. Although they are residents across the United States, some do migrate south for the winter, but not necessarily every year.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Normally, the blue jay is non migratory, but some withdrawal from northern states possible in winter.

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What is a blue jay group called?

A group of blue jays is called a band or party

Are blue jays solitary?

They migrate in flocks but are solitary nesters.

Where do Blue Jays fly to migrate?

Depending on what part of North America you live in, some blue jays may migrate but most do not.

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Where do blue jays go in winter?

Some blue jays will migrate south for the winter. But some will also stay in the cold north. It seems that they alternate seasons, migrating one year and staying the next and then migrating again the next year.

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No. There are thousands of species of birds. Many birds do last the winter. For example, penguins, cardinals, blue jays.

Does a blue jay migreat?

Of all the blue jays, there is only one subspecies that migrates. Its name is the Cyanocitta cristata bromia. It will migrate several hundred kilometers to the south during the winter.

What are baby blue jays called?

Baby blue jays are called chicks.

How do blue jays move?

Some blue jays do migrate, but most are sedentary. They will roam in small flocks after the nesting season.

Where in Canada do blue jays live?

blue jays live all across Canada.

What are male blue jays called?

A group of blue jays is called a band or party