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difference, disassociation, disconnection, imbalance

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Q: What is the opposite of interaction?
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What is an interaction pair of forces?

An interaction pair of forces consists of two forces that are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, acting on two interacting objects. According to Newton's third law of motion, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, which describes the relationship between the two forces in an interaction pair.

What type of interaction is there between objects with a diffrent electrical charge?

Opposite charges attract.

How does ear wax protect bacteria?

I'm not sure, but it protects you from opposite gender interaction.

Is the rule for the interaction between magnetic poles similar to the rule for the interaction between electricity charged particles?

Yes, the rule for the interaction between magnetic poles is similar to the rule for the interaction between charged particles. Opposite magnetic poles attract each other, while like magnetic poles repel each other, similar to the way opposite charges attract and like charges repel in electricity.

What is a meaning of law of interaction?

The third law of motion or the law of interaction states thatevery action, there is an equal but opposite reaction.3rd law of motion that Sir Isaac Newton stated.

What is the opposite of polygenic trais?

The opposite of polygenic traits is monogenic traits. Polygenic traits are determined by the interaction of multiple genes, while monogenic traits are controlled by a single gene.

What is mediated quasi-interaction?

Mediated quasi-interaction is one of the three categories created by John B.Thompson. This particular group is based on monologic communication, the opposite of dialogic (two sided conversation)- things such as television and radio can be described as mediated quasi-interaction

How can you explain the relationship between bouncing ball and law of interaction?

The bouncing ball demonstrates Newton's third law of motion, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. When the ball hits the ground, it exerts a force downwards, causing it to bounce back up due to the reaction force from the ground pushing it in the opposite direction. This interaction between the ball and the ground illustrates Newton's law of interaction.

What force decreases motion due to interaction two surfaces?

The force that decreases motion due to interaction between two surfaces is friction. Friction acts in the opposite direction to the motion of the object and opposes its movement. This force arises from the interaction between the two surfaces in contact.


A force is a push or a pull that acts upon an object as a results of its interaction with another object. The push and the pull act in opposite directions; Action & Reaction forces which are equal & opposite

Can anybody define interaction pair?

"A force pair composed of two forces that are opposite in direction and equal in magnitude." - Glencoe Physics

How is momentum conserved in pair production?

In pair production, momentum is conserved because the initial photon has momentum and this momentum is transferred to the produced particle-antiparticle pair. Conservation of momentum ensures that the total momentum before the interaction is equal to the total momentum after the interaction.