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A 'Trackable' is an item that you can put in a geocache, the item has a unique code that other members can use to log the fact they've found it. As the name suggests, trackables can be tracked and cachers can move them from place to place.

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How do you geocache?

You pronounce geocache as: 'GEE-oh-CASH'.

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The cast of The Geocache - 2012 includes: Julie Bryan as Julie Jareth Vasquez as Villian

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Typical items to find in a geocache are a logbook, a pen and various trinkets such as keyrings, buttons, small toys, etc.

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'Geo' is the prefix for geothermal and geocache. 'Geo' means 'earth' and 'thermal' means 'relating to heat'. Therefore geothermal means 'Relating to heat of the earth'. 'Cache' means 'hidden item(s)', therefore geocache means 'hidden items around the earth'.

How are travel bugs logged on the geocaching website?

Go to the geocaching homepage, select the 'Play' drop down menu and click 'find trackable', you will then be taken to an area where you can enter the trackable's unique identification number (found on the trackable itself). If you don't know the number, you can't log it as found.

What is MOAC?

An awesome Geocache located in Central Florida GC1ZGRR .

What is the most popular geocache?

The most found Geocache is GC189E5: 'Prague Bridges 1 -Karluv most'. The cache has over 26,000 finds to date, compared to the Geocaching HQ which has under 12,000. The geocache with the most 'favorites' is currently GC13Y2Y 'Lego - einer ist zuviel' which has over 7,000 favorite points.