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Q: What is a synonym for speckled?
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What is a synonym for mottled?

Microsoft Word 2003 says: dappled, spotted, spotty, blotchy, speckled, and stippled.

What is a synonym for spotted?

The adjective spotted can have the synonyms mottled, dappled, flecked, or speckled. The adverb spotted means observed, located, or detected.

Is speckled an adjective?

Yes, speckled can be an adjective--a speckled egg.

What is the antonym of the word speckled?

antonym speckled

What is the speckled appearance of rocks called?

a speckled rock

How many syllables does speckled have?

"Speckled" has two syllables.

When was Speckled Warbler created?

Speckled Warbler was created in 1801.

When was Speckled Tanager created?

Speckled Tanager was created in 1850.

When was Speckled moray created?

Speckled moray was created in 1932.

When was Speckled Bird created?

Speckled Bird was created in 1993.

When was Speckled Mousebird created?

Speckled Mousebird was created in 1789.

When was Speckled Wood created?

Speckled Wood was created in 1758.