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Q: What is a hink pink for what do you get when a giant sits on your sombrero?
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What do get when a giant sits on your sombrero?


What is the hinky pinky of what do you get when a giant sits on your sombero?

Flat hat.

What is giantess buttcrush?

When a giant woman sits on and usally smashes a person smaller than them

Why does the water in Atlanta turn pink after it sits out for a while?

i think it turns pink because it has a high percentage of potassium permanganate , a chemical used to remove bad tastes, odors and other contaminants from water , but when added over the limit , it turns the water pink .

Who is the guy with the green shirt and the pink hat who sits behind home plate at all the Cubs home games?

Jim Anixter

Would purchasing a pink laptop cost more than a regular one?

No, these days a pink laptop you can buy a extra case for it that just sits on top and on the bottom of the laptop's. You can also order them pre-installed so you don't have to do it yourself.

Where is the pink house in Evita?

Casa Rosada is the official seat of the executive branch of the government of Argentina, and of the offices of the president. The Casa Rosada sits at the eastern end of the Plaza de Mayo

If a king sits on gold who sits on Silver?

A prince sits on silver.

Is sits past present or future tense?

"Sits" is present tense.

How a globe sits on its stand?

Sits swirly on its stand

When is a wresteler king of the ring?

Well if you mean when NOT why Then it is WHEN HE SITS ON THE THRONE Hope it Helped (:

What does the computer mouse sits on?

It usually sits on a mouse pad or just on a table