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Second Life and Open sim are two different platforms, however Open sim was created using the same code as Second Life.

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Q: What is Second Life in opensim?
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Can you run opensim on a web server?

Yes you can, you can run OpenSim Server on a web server or any PC will do. You will need MySQL and dotnet. The easiest way is on a windows OS and use a WAMP Server..or in Linux get LAMP server. Really this is easy to setup on a windows OS get the OpenSim server software. get a viewer as well,like Hippo or Imprudence get Wamp start wamp create OpenSim DB,create user,set permissions,set password. Now optional you can use SQlite for a test run,and you wont need to do the stuff below,just run opensim/bin/OpenSim.exe . or MySql for a better Service. you will need to uncomment your choices in Opensim.ini Edit Opensim/bin/opensim.ini "Prim Storage" Section.. fill in DB_name...your user_name and your_password....then save now run Opensim.exe...and answer the questions it asks.

How do you get to a store in second life?

There is no 'Second life' so you can't.

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Is second life for 5 to 10 years old?

No, second life is for 18- older. Teen second life is for 13-18 though...... :).

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Is second life a flash game?

No, second life is a virtual 3D game.

Is second life a game for kids?

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