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AM - amplitude modulation

MHz - Mega Hertz. The M means one million (1000000).

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Q: What does a m mean in radio frequency?
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What does f m mean in radio frequency?

FM means frequency modulation, and AM means amplitude modulation.

What does a m mean in radio language?

AM = amplitude modulated. FM = frequency modulated.

What do you mean rf cable?

RF = Radio Frequency

What is the frequency of a radio wave with the wavelength of 3 m?

Frequency = speed/wavelength = 300,000,000/3 = 100 MHz.

What is the wavelength of 102.1 MHz typical frequency for FM radio broadcasting in m?

~ 2.94m

A radio wave has a wavelength of 0.3 m and travels at a speed of 300000000 ms. What is the frequency of this wave?

The frequency is 1000000000 Hz.

What is mean by RFID tags?

Radio Frequency Identity Tags.

What do the letters FM on your radio stand for?

They could mean a lot of things, but in the context of each other they probably stand for Amplitude Modulation and Frequency Modulation (two different methods for sending an audio signal using radio waves) respectively.

What does the number of a FM radio station mean?

The numbers in an FM radio station represent the frequency the station transmits the signal on. The frequency range for FM band radio stations is from 87.5 MHz to 108.0 MHz. These radio frequencies are considered VHF or Very High Frequency. The difference between AM and FM radio is that in AM radio the Amplitude is Modulated, or changed to send the signal, whereas with FM, the Frequency is Modulated or altered to send the signal.

What sends a radio frequency to a robot?

A transmitter sends a radio frequency to a robot.

What does it mean for 102 megahertz frequency in radio stations?

102,000,000 cycles per second

What is the frequency of a radio wave with a wavelength of 3 m Hint MHz stands for megahertz or 1 million hertz?

The frequency of a radio wave with a wavelength of 3 m can be calculated using the formula: frequency = speed of light / wavelength. The speed of light is approximately 3 x 10^8 m/s. Plugging in the values, we get frequency = 3 x 10^8 m/s / 3 m = 1 x 10^8 Hz = 100 MHz.