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A grosbeak is an adult bird that looks like a sparrow.

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Q: I seen an adult bird loked like sparrow but had a red head and stomach what kind of bird was it Please show picture of northern flicker?
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you have to click your mouse really fast until the picture of the salad (next to picture of stomach) is empty. If you click too slowly your stomach becomes to full before you finish the salad

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In a wider picture, it is called the coelom. but in a smaller picture you can call it the abdominal carvity or the oesophagous

What happens to a seed from the time it is eaten by a sparrow until it leaves the stomach?

First it goes to the crop, then gets broken down by digestive chemicals. After goes in the gizzard. Finally, it exits the body.

What are the release dates for Kinematographic X-Ray Picture of a Human Stomach During Digestion Taken During One Inspiration - 1910?

Kinematographic X-Ray Picture of a Human Stomach During Digestion Taken During One Inspiration - 1910 was released on: USA: 1910

Schematic diagram of the pathophysiology of colorectal cancer?

A diagram of the pathophysiology of stomach cancer should include a picture of the stomach with a small rounded particle representing the cancer. The whole digestive system could also be included in this diagram.

What is the picture of small intestine with stomach?

The small intestine is a long, coiled tube connecting the stomach to the large intestine. It is responsible for further digestion and absorption of nutrients from food. The stomach is a muscular organ located on the left side of the upper abdomen and is involved in the initial digestion of food.

Can you see a picture of a twelve year old boy stomach?

Yes, you can do this. Unless you are extremely conservative, Muslim, Orthodox Jewish, etc., there isn't much to be worried about.

How do you keep yourself from burping on Wimpy Wonderland Island?

You click repeatedly as fast as you can until the bowl is empty. If the picture of the stomach fills up to the top, you will burp.

What is sliding hietal hernia?

A hiatal hernia is a weakness between the esophagus and stomach. In typical hiatal hernia, part of the top of the stomach sits alongside the esophagus in the chest (where it should not be). The person can have pain where the ribcage meets at the bottom.In a sliding hiatal hernia, the stomach is pulled upward when the patient swallows, then drops back down the rest of the time. You can picture it like the esophagus is a rope pulling the stomach up during a swallow, then letting go and letting it slide back down.