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Q: How many beats per second can a Blue Jay beat its wings?
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How many beats per second does a woodpecker wings beat?

3 beats per second

How many beats per second an American robin beats its wings?

An American robin can beat its wings times per second.

How many times does a new zealand wren beat its wings per second?

It beats its wings 12 times a second

How many times do hummingbirds beat their wings per hour?

They beat their wings 12-80 beats per second, depending on the species. For 12 beats per second, that is over 8640 per hour.

How many beats per second does a mosquito wings beat?

It beats its wing for about 1111 times a second.

How many times does a fly's wings beat per second?

It beats about 1111 times a second!

How many times a does a red robin's wings beat a second?

A red robin's wings beat about 2.3 times per second. This is equal to about 138 beats per minute.

Wing beats per second of a Giant hummingbirds?

The Giant Hummingbird's wings beat 8-10 beats per second, the wings of medium sized hummingbirds beat about 20-25 beats per second and the smallest beat 70 beats per second. 8-10 beats per second would be 30,720-36,000 per hour assuming they are in complete flight for an hour, which I doubt

If a housefly beats its wings 190 times a second then how many times do it beat its wings a minute?

190 * 60 = 1140, so a housefly must beat its wings 1140 times a minute.

What are the number for wing beats per second for the giant hummingbird?

Hummingbirds beat their wings 70 times per second!

How many times does a ruby throated hummingbird beat its wings in 1 minute?

About 60 beats per second.

How fast can a blue bird beat its wings pur second?

over 30