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Q: How government use ham radio during disaster in India?
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How government use ham radio?

The government may utilize ham radio (technically defined as "Amateur Radio") during times of disaster, natural or man-made, to provide inter-agency emergency communications. Amateur Radio operators by law are not allowed to accept payment for their services, and as such, they are not government employees. There are several volunteer organizations that various government agencies may enlist to provide emergency communications, such as ARES, the Amateur Radio Emergency Service. For more information on how Ham Radio can help during disasters, visit

What are the alternative communication skills during a disaster?

amatuer radio,telephone,satellite

What is the biggest radio news station in India?

The biggest radio news station in India is the All India Radio (AIR) channel. It is a government sponsored news broadcaster and currently serves the largest regions in India.

When all India radio started in India?

Sound broadcasting started in India in 1927 with the proliferation of private radio clubs. The operations of All India Radio began formally in 1936, as a government organisation, with clear objectives to inform, educate and entertain the masses.

Whenhowwhy radio started in India?

when radio started in India

Emergency communication system during disaster?

mainly we can tell that the communication duiring disaster is very inevitable most probaly a radio-fm am could be the best of all also the use of satellite ensure good and quorate mode of communication in the times of a disaster

When was All India Radio created?

All India Radio was created in 1936.

Radio stations of India today group?

India Today has 3 Radio stations

What are the communication skills during a disaster?

Who can go for ham radio?AMATEUR RADIO-AN EXCITING PURSUIT AND A NOBLE SERVICE TO MANKINDDISASTER COMMUNICATION IN INDIAA ham radio operator can carry on experiments with various communication equipment and systems going deeper into the science of electronics (Learning by Doing) and at the same time provide great service to the people in general worldwide by way of organizing on-the-air emergency medical traffic, establishing emergency communication network during natural calamities like flood, cyclone, storm, earthquake or any other disaster. Amateur Radio stations act as the 'SECOND LINE' of communication when existing public or government communication links fail to facet of amateur radio was demonstrated in India with valuable public service activities during a Post & Telegraph Strike in 1960, when radio amateurs passed important messages for the public.In September 1979, during the flash floods at Morvi due to the Machhu dam burst in Gujarat, more than a dozen amateur radio stations of western India activated emergency radio stations to pro-relief agencies, government officials and victims of the disaster in the cities of Rajkot, Baroda, Ahmedabad and Mumbai.Similar services were rendered by hams during the cyclonic storms in Saurashtra and a number of times in AndhraPradesh-a state prone to cyclonic storms following weather distrurbances over the Bay of Bengal.You might recollect the earthquakes in Uttar-Kashi and more recently at Latur in Maharashtra and adjoining areas where ham radio operators provided the essential communication network for coordinating and organising relief operations, arranging medicines, food and clothing for the affected people. This specialized technical sports or hobby is very much a national asset like any other non-governmental public service organisation (e.g. the Red Cross). Ham Radio has reestablished its importance during the recent Orissa disaster (the devastating cyclone), when all the communication facilities broke down. A ham radio station set up at the Orissa Chief Minister's residence maintained contact with the nation's capital for nearly a month. Amateur radio stations also come into action during the major sports event like the ASIAD, the HIMALAYAN CAR RALLY to assist the sports officials as well as the rally operators. The Himalayan Expedition teams are getting assistance from the ham radio operators.

When was Amateur Radio Society of India created?

Amateur Radio Society of India was created in 1954.