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Q: How do you tell between used glow sticks and glow sticks that haven't been used?
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Are glow sticks exothermic or endothermic glow sticks?

Glow sticks are exothermic.Exothermic is when heat/energy is released. And that is exactly what glow sticks do. but the energy being released is in the form of light.

How do I find wholesale bulk glow sticks?

Glow sticks are a great way to enertain children of all ages. You can find a bulk order of these glow sticks at the website

Is phosphorus in glow sticks?

No, phosphorus is NOT in glow sticks. Phosphorus is way to dangerous to be put in glow sticks. While a glow stick does have phosphorescence (meaning glow after illumination), it does not have phosphorus.

Why do glow sticks cause cancer?

Glow sticks do not cause cancer. The chemicals in glow sticks are generally safe and non-toxic. However, some people may experience skin irritation or allergic reactions if they come into contact with the contents of a glow stick.

What is some background information on glow sticks?

Glow sticks are fun to play with you just take them out of the package and then snap them until they glow. But if you break the glow sticks then they will get on your friends night gown that you borrowed and then they will glow too.

What type of light do glow sticks react to?

Glow sticks react to chemical light, which involves a chemical reaction between two substances inside the stick. This reaction produces light without needing an external energy source like electricity.

What is the difference between glow sticks and glowsticks?

There is no difference between "glow sticks" and "glowsticks." Both terms refer to the same product, which is a plastic tube containing chemicals that produce light when mixed together.

Are glow sticks glowing a chemical change?

Yes, the glowing of glow sticks is a chemical change. It results from a chemical reaction between the chemicals inside the stick when they are mixed, producing light as a byproduct.

Do you have glow sticks?


Are glow sticks waterproof?

Yes. Most brands of glow sticks are waterproof. Sometimes it depends on the color

Is the element radon used in glow sticks?

No, radon is not used in glow sticks. Glow sticks typically contain chemicals that produce light through a chemical reaction, such as hydrogen peroxide and phenyl oxalate ester. Radon is a radioactive gas and not suitable for use in glow sticks.

What chemicals make glow sticks work?

Glow sticks work due to a chemical reaction between a dye, a fluorescent or phosphorescent chemical, and hydrogen peroxide. The dye emits light when it reacts with the chemicals present in the glow stick, causing it to glow.