You dont have to repair it, just get the amulet from the guys neck by winning it.
you cant
on one of the places you go on time tangled
The great wall of China is located on the Time Tangled Island. Hope this helps.
The barrel of explosives on time tangled is on the left of the Great Wall of China.
The Great Wall of China is in Time Tangled where 11 things need to be returned to it's rightful owner.
Look under and find the treasure
To the far right in The Great Wall of China (1593 AD)
You need to get dynamite from the great wall of China.
Go clock wise on the time watch and click on the 6th picture and that is the place where "The Great Wall Of China" is at.
Be sure to leave any of the "challenges" on Time Tangled Island. If the time device still doesn't show up, reboot Poptropica to see if it will set you back to the start of 1593 AD.
You can't
In the stone wall you get the you get the gun power to blow up rocks to get in the cave to get the tem inside and you need to beat a memory game to get the amulet for the vickings