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At the end of the Diamond Mines, you will find a collection of diamonds, one of which is the White Jewel. Use the magnifier at the bottom right to examine all the jewels. One will have a triangular symbol inscribed on it. That is the White Jewel (should be second one in from the bottom left side). Click "take" to get the jewel.

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Q: How do you get the magnifying glass on nabooti island?
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How do you get the white nabooti jewel on poptropica?

First u have to go to a island in Nabooti and there's lots of white jewels in this place and u have to get the right white jewel with a magnifying glass

What do you do with the magnifying glass on Nabooti Island?

The magnifying glass is in the lower right corner when you examine the diamonds at the end of the Diamond Mines. One of them is the White Jewel. Look for the symbol marked on it. It should be the third one in from the bottom left.

Where is the magnifying glass on nabooti island?

The magnifying glass is in the lower right corner when you examine the diamonds at the end of the Diamond Mines. One of them is the White Jewel. Look for the symbol marked on it.It should be the third one in from the bottom left.

How do you get the white jewel out of the rock on nabooti island?

Use the magnifying glass (bottom right) to find out which jewel has the Nabooti seal on it. The jewel will be near the bottom left, so look for the triangular mark.

Where is the eyeglass on nabooti island?

The magnifying glass is at the lower right of your screen at the end of the Diamond Mines, so that you can examine the diamonds to find the White Jewel.

In nabooti island in the diamonds what do you do at the end on poptropica?

you get the magnifying glass and you look and there should be a white diamond with some words on it and that one would be the one that you click on

Where is the engraving on the white jewel on nabooti island?

It is on the jewel. The jewel is in the lower left middle. Use the little magnifying glass in the bottom right corner to find it.

How do you get the magnifying glass on Counterfeit Island?

The magnifying glass is only used in the Forgery Detection class on Counterfeit Island.

What is the inscription on the white jewel on nabooti island?

Use the magnifying glass at the bottom right to find the diamond that has the Nabooti symbol on it (a triangular mark). It should be one of the three at the bottom left. Pick "take jewel" when you find it.

How do you grab the jewel from the pile on Nabooti Island?

You have to focus the magnifying glass (which is in the bottom right corner) on the diamonds, and find the strange inscription on one. It is the second one in from the lower left.

How do you get the jewel out of the diamond mine on nabooti island?

Using the magnifying glass (bottom right), you should see the Nabooti symbol on one of the diamonds. It is at the bottom left of the group of diamonds. Select "take" and you will get the white jewel. (see related question)

How do you find the magnifying glass in Nabooti Island on Poptropica?

You don't need one. There is a jeweler's loupe (folded magnifier) at the bottom right of the Diamond Mine display of gems.