well u can trade for inferno, which is very cheap right now, or you can actually become a member at DisneyMovieRewards.com and earn enough points to get a code for it . i know this because i am a VMK player :P Im BridgetteByte :D
Take lots of drugs.
You can't, but it doesn't matter anymore since it closed.
how to get magichave fun plz?how to get magichave fun plz?how to get magichave fun plz?
VMK, Virtual Magic Kingdom, is a free multiplayer online experience. Based on Disney theme parks, one can create an avatar and create rooms, and play various games. Unfortunately VMK will be closing for the last time May 22nd at 10pm, pacific time. visit www.vmk.com
== == == == Just look up vmk codes online then use the ones, there are 2 with 500 credits, 3 with 100, and like 4 or 5 with 50 credits. The magic codes don't work.
Nope. VMK is not back.
That is unknown but most likely no. VMK was made for Walt Disney World's 50th anniversary. Because of it's large popularity, VMK stayed for another 2 years, then broke all of our hearts with it's closing.
I wish, but no. VMK was for a celebration.
Vmk, toontown, i suggest vmk
Vmk WAS for kids, it was safe, and fun. Disney did a wonderful job with the graphics and made it enjoyable to play. I preferred Vmk to the rest of Disney's websites Club penguin is also fun but not near as developed as vmk was.
VMK has been closed now, so I'm pretty sure there is no need for Hula's Answers. Sorry that VMK closed!