Ruby throated hummingbirds often migrate back to the same spot year after year, sometimes arriving at their nesting area on the same day as previous years.
Their lifespan is normally 3-4 years although one hummingbird was banded and recorded to live at least 9 years.
The huckleberry is an tender perennial evergreen shrub that will come back every year in the southern zones. This is not the same plant known as the garden huckleberry, which is an annual and will not come back every year.
Yes, hornets typically return to the same nest every year.
Hummingbirds typically return from their winter migration to North America in the springtime, usually around March or April. The exact timing may vary depending on the species and where they wintered.
well for one humming-birds lay very small eggs and eagles can't fly back-words well there is more different things about hummingbirds and eagles
Kildeer often do return to the same area each year, although this is not true in every case.
Some one you loved a lot come s back to she their late offspring.
Hummingbirds will visit red flowers and yellow flowers with the same frequency.
your fat
Hummingbirds and Butterflies are both beautiful creatures. In common they both flit with elegance and beauty during spring and summer and flutter yonder and hither from place to place and flower to flower. Also, they bring amazement and joy into people's lives who notice them as they come by.
No, they do not share the same geographical environment. Hummingbird moths live in Europe, Asia and parts of Africa, whilst hummingbirds live exclusively in the Americas.
No they are not the same thing, daggers once thrown do not come back to you, while boomarangs do come back.
Book version: "What will happen to your children when I've killed you? When Mummy's gone the same way as Freddie?" Movie version: "No! No, come back! Lucius! Come back! Come back and fight! Come back!"