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There are "treatments", but since the origin of the disorders are coded into the genes of the individual, there is no feasible way to alter the affected cells. "Gene therapy", which seeks to replace faulty cells with normal or healthy versions, is only now beginning to yield results. Because tampering with genetic material can have unintended or unforeseen consequences, the use of such techniques is strictly controlled and reviewed. (see the excellent related link)

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Genetic disorders are caused by mutations in genes, making them complex and difficult to treat. Developing cures involves addressing specific genetic mutations which can be challenging. Research is ongoing in gene therapy and other technologies to potentially offer cures in the future.

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What information can be obtained from examining a karyotype?

A karyotype provides information about the number, size, and shape of an individual's chromosomes. It can reveal abnormalities such as missing or extra chromosomes, translocations, deletions, and other genetic disorders. Karyotyping is commonly used in genetic testing and to diagnose chromosomal abnormalities.

What kind of information can you get from a karyotype?

A karyotype provides information about the number, size, and structure of an individual's chromosomes. It can be used to diagnose genetic disorders, identify chromosomal abnormalities, and determine the sex of an individual based on the presence of sex chromosomes.

What would most likely change the current classification of two closely related flower species to a single species?

If further genetic analysis were to reveal minimal genetic differences between the two species, indicating a recent common ancestor. Additionally, if hybridization between the two species were found to be common, leading to genetic blending and a lack of distinct genetic boundaries.

Do eukaryotes have a true nucleus?

Yes, eukaryotes have a true nucleus that contains their genetic material (DNA). The nucleus is membrane-bound and separates the genetic material from the rest of the cell's components.

What is the common scientific name given the original parents of a person?

The common scientific name for the original parents of a person is "biological parents" or "genetic parents." These terms refer to the individuals who contribute their genetic material to create a child.

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Why aren't they any cures for genetic disorder?

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Jack H. Jung has written: 'Genetic syndromes in communication disorders' -- subject(s): Genetic disorders, Genetics, Genetic aspects, Communicative disorders, Inborn Genetic Diseases, Communication Disorders

What are known cures for panic attacks?

There aren't any "cures" for panic attacks. They can be treated with medication, cognitive therapy, and learning to control one's breathing. Anxiety and panic disorders are usually not cured, but treated.

Why aren't there cures for genetic disorder?

people get aids

Are there any cures for communication disorders?

The best treatment is prevention. Start with the first three years of a child's life and simply communicate with them. As they develop, their communication skills will improve, thus preventing communication disorders.

How many genetic disorders are there?

There are thousands of known genetic disorders, estimated to be around 6,000-8,000. These disorders can range from single-gene mutations, to chromosomal abnormalities, to multifactorial disorders influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Many genetic disorders are rare, affecting less than 1 in 2,000 individuals.

Are there genetic tests for genetic disorders?

There are many but in cases there are none.

What are the odds of dying when you are 100?

It depends on how fit you are, if you have any genetic disorders, or if you have the flu, which is common in old people, or if you have any injuries.

Why can females but not males carriers of sex linked genetic disorders?

Several genetic disorders are caused by genes on the X chromosomes.

Genetic disorders are caused by?

Genetic disorders are caused by abnormalities in an individual's DNA, either through mutations or changes in the genes. These abnormalities can be inherited from parents or can occur spontaneously during a person's lifetime. Genetic disorders can affect various aspects of health and development.