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Relational Database

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The relational database model connects data through the use of a key field, which is called a primary key in one table and a foreign key in another table. This key field establishes a relationship between different tables by uniquely identifying records.

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Q: Which type of database model connects data in different files through the use of a key field?
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Explain the term field in a database?

In a database, a field represents a single piece of data stored in a table. It is the smallest unit of information that can be accessed and manipulated in a database. Fields are used to store different types of data such as text, numbers, dates, and more within a database table.

What is a database field name?

A database field name is a unique identifier for a particular piece of data within a database table. It helps to organize and distinguish different types of information stored in the database. Each field name typically corresponds to a specific attribute or characteristic of the data being stored.

What is a database field format?

A database field format refers to the data type and structure used to define a specific field within a database table. It determines how data is stored, validated, and interpreted within that field, such as text, numbers, dates, or binary data. Common field formats include VARCHAR for variable-length text, INT for integers, and DATE for dates.

A category of information stored in column of database is called a?

A category of information stored in a column of a database is called a field. Each field represents a specific piece of data within a record or row of the database table. Fields are used to store different types of information, such as names, dates, numbers, or text.

What field in a database is identified by a field?

A field in a database is often identified by a unique field or column name. This field name serves as the identifier for that particular data attribute within the database table. Assigning distinct and meaningful field names helps organize and reference the data effectively within the database system.

Related questions

Explain the term field in a database?

In a database, a field represents a single piece of data stored in a table. It is the smallest unit of information that can be accessed and manipulated in a database. Fields are used to store different types of data such as text, numbers, dates, and more within a database table.

What is a database field name?

A database field name is a unique identifier for a particular piece of data within a database table. It helps to organize and distinguish different types of information stored in the database. Each field name typically corresponds to a specific attribute or characteristic of the data being stored.

Is 'A database uses characteristics such as field size and data type to define each field' false?

No it is not false. Database fields do have field sizes and data types.No it is not false. Database fields do have field sizes and data types.No it is not false. Database fields do have field sizes and data types.No it is not false. Database fields do have field sizes and data types.No it is not false. Database fields do have field sizes and data types.No it is not false. Database fields do have field sizes and data types.No it is not false. Database fields do have field sizes and data types.No it is not false. Database fields do have field sizes and data types.No it is not false. Database fields do have field sizes and data types.No it is not false. Database fields do have field sizes and data types.No it is not false. Database fields do have field sizes and data types.

What is the value that the database uses for the field unless the user enters another value?

The value that a database uses for a field is set to a default value, usually by the database designer. The value can be whatever the company wants it to be, as long as it is valid for the datatype of the field. The default value changes if and when a user or a programmer updates the field with a different value.

What is a database field format?

A database field format refers to the data type and structure used to define a specific field within a database table. It determines how data is stored, validated, and interpreted within that field, such as text, numbers, dates, or binary data. Common field formats include VARCHAR for variable-length text, INT for integers, and DATE for dates.

A category of information stored in column of database is called a?

A category of information stored in a column of a database is called a field. Each field represents a specific piece of data within a record or row of the database table. Fields are used to store different types of information, such as names, dates, numbers, or text.

What field in a database is identified by a field?

A field in a database is often identified by a unique field or column name. This field name serves as the identifier for that particular data attribute within the database table. Assigning distinct and meaningful field names helps organize and reference the data effectively within the database system.

What is a common field in database?

A common field in a database is the "primary key". It is a unique identifier for each record in a database table and is used to uniquely identify each row. It is typically a numerical value or a combination of values that ensures each record is distinct from all others.

What are field property in database?

is where the properties in the field is unique

What is a key field in database?

i key field is a field with with a key in the middle :)

Why choosing the correct field in database is important?

Choosing the correct field in database is very important. It is because the correct field can give you the correct value.

What characteristics in a database fields may have such as data type field name field size and field format?

What characteristics could a database field have, such as data type, field name, field size and field format?