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Arthropoda is the phylum that includes jointed, footed, and segmented creatures with a hard exoskeleton. This diverse group encompasses insects, crustaceans, arachnids, and myriapods. Their exoskeleton provides support and protection while allowing for movement through jointed appendages.

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Q: Which phylum includes joint- footed segmented creatures with a hard exoskeleton?
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What is the scientific name for a North American ferret?

There is no such species as a 'North American Ferret'. Like domestic dogs, all ferrets are domesticated Polecats (Mustela putorius) and belong to the subspecies Mustela putorius furo.The black footed ferret is native to North America. Scientific name for black footed ferret - Mustela Nigripes

What is the scientific classification or name for domestic ferrets?

Scientific classification for the domestic ferret: they are members of the family Mustelidae in the order Carnivora. The domestic ferret is classified as Mustela putorius furo. The black-footed ferret is classified as Mustela nigripes.Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: MammaliaOrder: Carnivora - includes cats, dogs, bears, raccoons, weasels, civets, and hyenasFamily: Mustelidae (5 subfamilies) - weasels, badgers, otters - are to be found all over the world, in every continent except Australia and Antarctica. Their habitat ranges from arctic tundra to tropical rain-forest on land, in trees, in rivers and in the ocean.Sub-Family: Mustelinae - includes martens, mink, and weaselsGenus: Mustela - ferretsSpecies: M. putorius - European polecat ferretSubspecies: M. p. furo - Domestic ferretTrinomial Name: Mustela putorius furo == == Scientific name for black-footed ferrets is Mustela nigripes Ferets are from the family Mustelidae, commonly known as the Weasel Family.Mustela putorius furo - it means, rather fittingly, weasel-like stinky thief.Mustela putorius furo, meaning weasel-like stinky thief in latin.

What is the scientific name of pagong?

The scientific name of a common house turtle, known as "pagong" in Filipino, is Chelonia mydas for the green sea turtle or Chelonoidis carbonarius for the red-footed tortoise.

What is a scientific name of a brown kangaroo?

There are over 60 species of kangaroo, ranging from the largest, the Red Kangaroo - Macropus rufus - to the tiny musky rat kangaroo - Hypsiprymnodon moschatus.There are dozens of species of wallabies in between. Wallaby names range from the same genus as the larger kangaroos (Macropus) whilst others are in related genera such as Dendrolagus, Petrogale, Onychogalea, Lagorchestes and Lagostrophus.Some of the various species' scientific names are:Eastern Grey Kangaroo - Macropus giganteusYellow footed rock wallaby - Petrogale xanthopus xanthopusWallaroo - Macropus robustusWestern Grey Kangaroo - Macropus fuliginosusKangaroos, wallabies, wallaroos, potoroos, pademelons, quokkas and rat-kangaroos come from the Supercohort Marsupialia in the Class Mammalia.

What is the phylum of a penguin?

The classification of the Emperor penguin is:Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: AvesOrder: SphenisciformesFamily: SpheniscidaeGenus: AptenodytesSpecies: Aptenodytes forsteri

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Do black footed ferrets have a exoskeleton or a endoskelton?

Endoskeleton. Only crustaceans, insects and arachnids have exoskeletons.

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Does the black footed ferret build its on home?

No. Most often, the black footed ferret will occupy a prairie dog's burrow. Black footed ferrets rely completely on prairie dogs for survival. This includes food, and shelter. Very rarely, and I mean very rarely, a black footed ferret may modify a ground squirrel's den. Black footed ferrets rely on prairie dogs for about 95-98% of survival, and that includes dens.

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