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2mo ago

When a user is searching for an SSN from the personnel database, they cannot search by the full SSN for security and privacy reasons. Instead, they may use a partial SSN or other identifier to search and retrieve the necessary information. Organizations typically restrict access to full SSNs to protect sensitive personal information.

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Q: When a user is searching for an SSN from the personnel database they cannot search by?
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What is database searching?

Database searching is the process of querying a database to retrieve specific information. It involves formulating a search query using keywords or filters, and then executing the query to retrieve relevant data. This is commonly used in various fields, such as research, business, and information retrieval.

What factors determine the database you search?

The factors that determine the database you search include the type of information or data you are looking for, the relevance of the database to your topic or research, the quality and reliability of the database, and whether the database covers the specific subject area or discipline you are interested in.

What does searching a database mean?

Searching a database involves looking for specific information or records within a structured collection of data. This usually involves using keywords, queries, or filters to retrieve relevant results that meet the search criteria. The goal is to efficiently locate and retrieve the desired information from a large dataset.

How do you search for something in a database?

To search for something in a database, you can use SQL query statements such as SELECT, WHERE, and JOIN to retrieve specific information based on your search criteria. You can specify the search conditions, fields to retrieve, and tables to search within to find relevant data. Ultimately, running a query against the database will return the results that match your search criteria.

Any large single block of data stored in a database such as a picture or sound file which does not include record fields and cannot be directly searched by the databases search engine?

A binary large object (BLOB) is a data type used to store large amounts of binary data in a database, such as images or audio files. BLOBs are typically indexed but are not directly searchable by the database search engine, as they are stored as a single entity rather than separate fields. To retrieve or access the contents of a BLOB, you typically need to reference it using its identifier.

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