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Monophyletic groups.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 5mo ago

The taxon that includes organisms that are most closely related is a species. Organisms within the same species share a high degree of genetic similarity and can interbreed to produce fertile offspring.

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βˆ™ 14y ago


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Q: What taxa includes organisms that are the most closely related?
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Which level of classification contains organisms that are most closely related order or family?

Organisms within the same family are more closely related than those within the same order. Family is a higher classification level than order, so organisms within the same family share more recent common ancestry.

Why is a species considered the most specific level?

A species is considered the most specific level of classification because it consists of organisms that are most closely related to each other and can interbreed to produce fertile offspring. This level of classification helps scientists differentiate between different groups of organisms based on their unique physical and genetic characteristics.

What are the characteristics of the 7 taxonomic levels?

Kingdom: Broadest level of classification, grouping organisms based on fundamental similarities. Phylum: Groups organisms with common characteristics beyond those shared by all eukaryotes. Class: Further divides organisms within a phylum based on more specific characteristics. Order: Groups similar families of organisms with shared characteristics. Family: Includes related genera that share common characteristics. Genus: Groups species that are closely related and share a common ancestor. Species: Most specific level, comprising individuals that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring.

What phylum is most closely related phylogenetically to first vertebrates?

The phylum Chordata is most closely related phylogenetically to the first vertebrates. Chordates share a number of characteristics with vertebrates, such as having a notochord, dorsal nerve cord, and pharyngeal slits. Cells within the notochord further develop into the vertebrae that define vertebrates.

Which two categories of classification are the most specific?

The most specific categories of classification are species and subspecies. These categories are used in biological taxonomy to classify and differentiate between closely related organisms. Species denotes a group of organisms with similar physical characteristics that can interbreed, while subspecies further divides a species into smaller groups with distinct geographical or phenotypic variations.

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Organisms in the same genus are most closely related to one another according to Linnaeus's groupings.

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Canis familiaris (domestic dog) is most closely related to Canis lupus (wolf).

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Birds are the closest living relatives to crocodiles. Both birds and crocodiles are members of the group Archosauria, which also includes dinosaurs. This shared ancestry can be seen in similarities in their skeletal structures and reproductive systems.

What is the most useful fact in determining whether two organisms are related?

DNA sequence similarity is the most useful factor in determining whether two organisms are related. The more similar the DNA sequences of two organisms are, the more closely related they are likely to be evolutionarily.

Which organisms are most closely related?

Organisms that are most closely related share a more recent common ancestor than other organisms. This can be determined through genetic analysis, looking at similarities in DNA or protein sequences. Generally, organisms within the same species, followed by those within the same genus, are most closely related.

Which of these are mushrooms most closley related to?

Mushrooms are most closely related to molds, as they both belong to the fungal kingdom. Both mushrooms and molds are multicellular organisms that obtain nutrients through the decomposition of organic matter.

Are sloths related to the monkeys?

Sloths are not closely related to primates. They are most closely related to anteaters, both being classified in the order Pilosa. That is part of the superorder Xenarthra, which includes armadillos.No , sloths are mammals related to anteaters .

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