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Sea worm is a general term that may refer to a number of phyla of animals, or may refer specifically to:

  • Acanthocephala, parasitic worm
  • Annelida, segmented worms
  • Chaetognatha, arrow worms
  • Cycliophora, lobster worms
  • Entoprocta
  • Echiura, spoon worms
  • Gastrotricha, microscopic
  • Gnathostomulida, microscopic
  • Hemichordata
  • Kinorhyncha
  • Loricifera
  • Micrognathozoa, microscopic
  • Nematoda, round worms
  • Nematomorpha, parasitic worms
  • Nemertea, ribbon worms
  • Phoronida, horseshoe worms
  • Platyhelminthea, flatworms
  • Priapulida
  • Sipuncula, peanut worms
  • Xenoturbellida
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12y ago
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11y ago

a jimbob i know it sounds silly but its real

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2mo ago

The scientific name for sea worms is Polychaeta.

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