True bugs come from an insect order, Order Hemiptera, which contains about 82000 described species. Thus, true bugs can be called hemipterans.
The scientific name of a wheel bug is Arilus cristatus.
The scientific name for a leaf bug is Phyllium.
The scientific name for an assassin bug is Reduviidae.
The scientific name for the kissing bug is Triatoma.
The scientific name for a chinch bug is Blissus leucopterus.
A ladybug is NOT a true bug. Reason, all true bugs have its own scientific and simple name. The bugs that are not truebugs, are bugs that have the "bug" in the name. Non-true bugs can have the "bug" separate from its first name. E.g.. lightning bug. Perhaps you were thinking of true flies versus the non-flies that consistently have "fly" attached to another part of their names.
The scientific name for plant bug is Miridae.
The scientific name of a wheel bug is Arilus cristatus.
The scientific name for a leaf bug is Phyllium.
The scientific name for an assassin bug is Reduviidae.
The scientific name for the kissing bug is Triatoma.
The scientific name for a chinch bug is Blissus leucopterus.
A Woodlouse
The scientific name for a sow bug is Oniscus asellus.
The scientific name of a boxelder bug is Boisea trivittata. It belongs to the family Rhopalidae.
Although there are other nicknames, the most common/household name for the bed bug is actually 'bedbug' (believe it or not).If you mean the scientific name, the scientific name for the bed bug is the Cimex lectularius.