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The accepted scientific name is Citheronia regalis.

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The scientific name for the Hickory horned devil is Citheronia regalis. It is a species of silk moth native to North America, known for its large size and distinctive appearance with hickory-like horns along its body.

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Q: What is the scientific name for the Lepidoptera known as the Hickory horned devil?
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What is the scientific name for the Tasmanian devil and what does it mean?

The scientific name for the Tasmanian devil is Sarcophilus harrisii. "Sarcophilus" means "flesh-lover" in Greek, referring to its carnivorous diet, and "harrisii" honors the naturalist George Harris who first described the species.

What is the scientific name for the angler fish?

The most common scientific name for the angler fish is Lophius Piscatorius. Another angler fish is the Black Devil and its' scientific name is Melanocetus johnsoni. One more is the Sargassum angler fish and its' scientific name is Histro Histro. The last one I will put here is the Painted Angler fish and its' scientific name is Antennarius pictus. Thanks

What is the real name of the common weed called goathead?

Tribulus terrestris is the real name of the common weed goathead.Specifically, the real name can be considered the scientific, Latin or botanical name of a plant. It is the same no matter what the culture or language of the person who uses it. In this case, the name means "water chestnut" (from the Greek τρίβολος) on "land" (from the Latin terrestris).The other name is the common name, which varies by cultural and linguistic context. For example, goathead also responds to the other common English names. Some of the better known of these names will include bullhead, cat's head, devil's eyelashes, devil's thorn, devil's weed, puncturevine, and tackweed.

What are the common names of the mistletoe plant?

Common names for the mistletoe plant include European mistletoe, American mistletoe, and Christmas mistletoe.

What are other names for the Money plant?

Other names for the Money plant include Devil's Ivy, Golden Pothos, and Epipremnum aureum.

Related questions

What are horned devil's scientific names?

The hickory horned devil's scientific name is Citheronia regalis (Fabricius) It is an insect of the order Lepidoptera: Saturniidae: Citheroniinae

What is the scientific name for the Lepidoptera known as the Horned devil?

The accepted scientific name is Citheronia sp.

Where does the hickory horned devil live?

in maple trees or where there is sweet gum u might find a hickory horned devil .

What do hickory horned devil eat?

somtimes they just eat grass and other times they can eat scraps

What is the scientific name for the Lepidoptera known as the Pine devil moth?

The accepted scientific name is Citheronia sepulcralis.

How plays in honey?

horned devil lizards

What is a large light green caterpiller with a long brownish-red spike on its tail?

The sphinx moth caterpillar, also known as the hornworm, is a lareg, light green caterpillar with a longi brownish-red spike at its tail. Additionally, it has a pair of eyespots on each abdominal segment.

What kind of animal do skeptics think people are seeing if it's not the jersey devil?

the great horned owl

What is the scientific name of the thorny devil?

the scientific name is Moloch Horridus

How did devils lake in westport ontario canada get its name?

I have heard that from the air the lake looks like a horned devil.

Does the thorny devil squirt blood out of its eyes for defence?

There is no such creature as an "American Thorny Devil".Thorny devils are native to Australia. The only North American lizards even distantly related are the horned lizards belonging to the genus Phrynosoma.Thorny devils do not shoot blood out of their eyes. The Texas Horned lizard, Coast horned lizard, and at least two other species, none of which are Thorny devils, will shoot blood from their eyes as a defence mechanism.

Does lizards have blood?

Yes, lizards have blood just like other vertebrate animals. Blood in lizards performs essential functions such as transporting oxygen and nutrients throughout their bodies, regulating body temperature, and fighting infections.