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calcium oxide


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5mo ago

The scientific name for quicklime is calcium oxide (CaO).

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Q: What is the scientific name for quicklime?
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What the chemical name for quicklime?

The chemical name for quicklime is calcium oxide (CaO).

What is the chemical name for quicklime?

Quicklime is CaO, calcium oxide.

What is the chemical name for lime or quicklime?

Lime or quicklime is calcium oxide.

What reaction takes place to produce quicklime?

Thermal Decomposition is the name of the reaction to produce quicklime from limestone.

What is the chemical formula of quicklime?

The Chemical formula for lime is CaO. This comes from Limestone (CaCO3). As Limestone is heated up to 1000 degrees, it lets of Carbon Dioxide and becomes CaO, or quicklime.

What is the quicklime chemical?

Quicklime is calcium oxide, CaO.

Another name for quicklime?

Calcium oxide is another name for quicklime. It is a white, caustic, alkaline substance that is used in various industrial applications, including construction, agriculture, and sanitation.

What is the common name for aluminium oxide?

Quicklime, or unslaked lime, or burnt lime, or simply 'lime'.

Is quicklime base or acid?

Quicklime is calcium oxide. (CaO) . All oxides of Groups (I) & (II) elements are BASIC. Hence quicklime is basic.

What does quicklime look like?

Quicklime is white and can be crushed into a powder or appear as stones

Is quicklime a base or an acid?

Quicklime (calcium oxide) is considered a base. When quicklime reacts with water, it forms calcium hydroxide, which is an alkaline solution.

What happens if quicklime mixes with water?

quicklime is the common name for calcium oxide (CaO). when added to water it forms slaked lime which is the name for clacium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2). slaked lime solution is also commonly know as lime water