The scientific name for a domestic dog is Canis lupus familiaris.
The scientific name for a rottweiler is Canis lupus familiaris.
The scientific name for the boxer dog is Canis lupus familiaris.
dog flower
A dog's scientific name is Canis lupus familiaris.
President Eisenhower had a Weimaraner named Heidi.
The hunting dog nicknamed "ghost dog" is called the Weimaraner. With its distinctive gray coat and sleek appearance, it is known for its stealth and agility while hunting.
My weimaraner's name is Max.
A weimaraner.
The dog breed is Weimaraner.
A Weimaraner.
Canis familiaris is the scientific namethere are many common names:dogpuppymuthoundbasically anything you can call a dog
Sometimes disrupt
The scientific name for a domestic dog is Canis lupus familiaris.
Barkly. But don't forget about Rolf, of the muppet show - also an awesome muppet dog.