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Alligator sinensis

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4mo ago

The scientific name for Chinese alligators is Alligator sinensis.

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What are the species of alligators?

Alligators number in the millions in the U.S. The Chinese alligator is rare, and numbers are less than 1000.Chinese Alligators (Alligator sinensis) and American Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) are the only surviving species of alligators. There were other species of alligators but they are all extinct now.

What fish do Chinese alligators eat?

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White alligators are simply American alligators, Alligator mississippiensis, with a rare genetic condition causing lack of the usual green pigment.

How many Chinese alligators are left in the world?

There is only 27 Chinese alligators left in the worldThere is about 120 chines alligators left in the world.

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