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Found this it may be of some use:

The name derives from the Greek σφοδρός, sphodròs, i.e. excess, powerful, strong, indicating the abnormal size of chelicerae in proportion to the length of the body. Sphodros is also a genus of Tarantula

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2mo ago

The etymology of the scientific name "Sphodromantis viridis" is as follows:

  • "Sphodro" is derived from Greek, meaning "robust" or "large."
  • "Mantis" comes from Greek, meaning "prophet" or "diviner."
  • "Viridis" is Latin for "green." So the name translates to "robust green diviner," likely describing the robust and green appearance of this species of praying mantis.
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Q: What is the etymology of the scientific name Sphodromantis viridis i am unable to work out the sphodro part of the name and its driving me crazy?
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