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Distributed and replicated databases have a topology of having roles : 'masters' and 'slaves' even though in a replicated database schema, the distinction becomes a little blurred.

Distributed databases are normally those where information is updated on a master. The changes in the master are distributed out to a number of slave databases. The slave databases can be updated themselves but if they are, their information isn't distributed to any other database. Should the master have updated information that would contend with information in a slave, the master would take presidence.

Replicated databases are normally those in which there is the capability to post updates to both 'master' through to 'slave' as well as 'slave' through to 'master'.

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In a distributed database, data is divided and stored across multiple nodes in a network, while in a replicated database, data is duplicated and stored across multiple nodes for redundancy and fault tolerance. Distributed databases focus on partitioning data for scalability and performance, whereas replicated databases focus on ensuring data availability and reliability.

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Q: What is the difference between distributed and replicated database?
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What is the difference between a distributed database and distributed processing?

A distributed database is a collection of databases stored on multiple computers and accessed through a network, allowing for data to be distributed across different locations. Distributed processing, on the other hand, refers to breaking down a task into smaller parts that are processed on multiple computers simultaneously, enabling faster computation by leveraging the collective resources of multiple machines.

Difference between database and distributed database?

A database is a collection of related data organized for quick search and retrieval, usually stored on a single computer system. A distributed database is a database in which parts of the database are stored in multiple locations but managed by a centralized control. Distributed databases are used to improve performance, reliability, and scalability by allowing data to be spread across multiple servers or locations.

Different between distributed and decentralized on database?

Distributed databases are spread across multiple nodes or locations, while decentralized databases operate without a central authority or control. Distributed databases may have a centralized component for coordination, while decentralized databases use consensus algorithms for decision-making. Decentralized databases offer higher resilience and security against single points of failure compared to distributed databases.

What are the differences between distributed systems and distributed database systems?

Distributed systems refer to a network of independent computers that work together to achieve a common goal, while distributed database systems specifically involve databases that are spread across multiple locations. Distributed database systems focus on storing and managing data across various nodes in a network, whereas distributed systems are more general and encompass a broader range of functionalities beyond data management.

Is there a difference between a database and a data capture form?

Yes, there is a difference. A database is a structured collection of data organized for easy access and manipulation, while a data capture form is a tool used to input data into a database. The form collects information that is then stored in the database for further processing and analysis.

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A distributed database is a collection of databases stored on multiple computers and accessed through a network, allowing for data to be distributed across different locations. Distributed processing, on the other hand, refers to breaking down a task into smaller parts that are processed on multiple computers simultaneously, enabling faster computation by leveraging the collective resources of multiple machines.

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the difference is about the transactions. the normal database is not included deadline, but the real time database is.

Difference between database and distributed database?

A database is a collection of related data organized for quick search and retrieval, usually stored on a single computer system. A distributed database is a database in which parts of the database are stored in multiple locations but managed by a centralized control. Distributed databases are used to improve performance, reliability, and scalability by allowing data to be spread across multiple servers or locations.

What is the difference between database and database administrator?

Database is the data stored in the server and Database administrator is the person who designs the database.

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