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A systematic name describes the chemical structure of a substance/compound and also gives some info. on its chemical properties. Common names are basically how they sound, a generally common name that is often coined with a part of the systematic name.

For example, acetone would be the common name used and the systematic would be Propan-2-one.

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A common name for a compound is a non-standard name based on historical or traditional usage, while a systematic name follows specific rules set by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) to provide a standardized way of naming compounds based on their chemical structure. Systematic names are preferred for clarity and consistency in scientific communication.

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Q: What is the difference between a common name for a compound and a systematic name?
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What are systematic names preferred over common names?

Systematic names are preferred over common names because they provide a standardized way to name chemical compounds, ensuring clarity and precision in scientific communication. Systematic names follow specific rules and conventions, allowing for easier identification and categorization of compounds. Additionally, systematic names are often based on a compound's molecular structure, which can provide more information about the chemical composition compared to common names.

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If common fundamental features are not taken into account, it becomes difficult to establish a systematic and organized classification of animals. Without such common features, there would be no basis for grouping and categorizing animals. This would make it challenging to study and understand the diversity, relationships, and evolutionary patterns among different animal species.

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CIC can stand for various things depending on the context. Some common meanings are "Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants," "Customer Identification Code," and "Closed Industrial Compound."

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Actually, in a relational database, when two tables have a common field, the relationship between the tables is known as a foreign key constraint. This constraint ensures that values in the common field of one table correspond to values in another table, helping maintain data integrity and enabling queries across related tables.

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