classification of paragaph
Domain is the highest-level unit of classification in the biological classification system.
The least specific taxonomic classification is Domain. It represents the broadest level of classification in the biological classification system.
Stubborn grass belongs to the Poaceae family in the biological classification.
Domain is the broadest level of classification in the new system, higher than kingdom in the old classification system.
some types of flowers are orchids and bromeliads
bromeliads smell pretty good you know but all flowers have a good smell
Bromeliads typically live in the canopy layer of the rainforest, where they can access sunlight for photosynthesis. However, some species of bromeliads can also be found in the understory and forest floor layers of the rainforest.
Tree frogs have a commensalism relationship with frogs. Frogs live in bromeliads, but bromeliads are not affected at all.
Tree frogs have a commensalism relationship with frogs. Frogs live in bromeliads, but bromeliads are not affected at all.
Tree frogs have a commensalism relationship with frogs. Frogs live in bromeliads, but bromeliads are not affected at all.
you find them in tropical rainforests.
Yes, bromeliads have a stem. The stem is usually short and hidden by the leaves in the center of the rosette. It helps support the plant and connect the roots with the leaves.
The name is Bromeliaceae.
bromeliads are special plants that store water in their leaves . animals like frogs use these pockets of water for laying their eggs.they are found in in amazon basin
They mostly eat bugs, mosquito larve, frogs, toads, and they have the ability to store a lot of water.
Bromeliads come from South America.