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In database design, a subtype is a specialized entity that inherits attributes and relationships from a higher-level entity called a supertype. Subtypes represent specific categories or types within a broader classification. The attributes and relationships unique to each subtype are represented in addition to those inherited from the supertype.

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Q: What is subtype and super type in database?
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What part of database holds only one type of information?

A database table is a structured collection of records or rows that hold data organized in columns, with each column representing a specific type of information. Each table in a database typically stores data related to a specific entity or concept, such as customers, products, or orders.

What factors determine the database you search?

The factors that determine the database you search include the type of information or data you are looking for, the relevance of the database to your topic or research, the quality and reliability of the database, and whether the database covers the specific subject area or discipline you are interested in.

When is database a field?

A database field refers to a specific piece of information within a database table, such as a phone number or email address. It is a single unit of data that is stored within a record or row in the database. Each field has a defined data type and is used to store a specific type of information.

What type of database consists of collection of a tables and contains information on a specific subject?

A relational database consists of a collection of tables that contain data on a specific subject. The tables are related to each other through defined relationships, allowing for efficient storage and retrieval of data. This type of database follows a well-defined structure based on the principles of relational algebra.

What is relational database Explain the purpose of creating database?

A relational database is a type of database that stores and organizes data in tables with a predefined structure. The purpose of creating a database is to efficiently store, manage, and retrieve data for various applications or systems. Databases help to ensure data integrity, enable data sharing, provide a structured way to store information, and support data analysis and reporting.

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What is the prupose of the subtype discriminator?

it just separates the sub type and supertype entity

Explain how the supertype and subtype entities are transformed into tables?

Data design can incorporate supertype and subtype tables in the document. In the flow chart, the organization will determine the order and usefulness of each type.

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How is database structured?

That depends on the type of database it is and the design of the Database Annalist.

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One subtype of granite is pink granite, which contains pink minerals such as orthoclase, feldspar, and biotite. These minerals give the granite its distinct pink hue.

What type of database is used in Friendster?

MYSQL database

What kinds of data would you store in an entity subtype?

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What is rosaceas scientific name?

There are four subtypes of rosacea.Here are the scientific names for each:Rosacea subtype 1 - Erythematotelangiectatic rosaceaRosacea subtype 2 - Papulopustular rosaceaRosacea subtype 3 - Phymatous rosaceaRosacea subtype 4 - Ocular rosacea

What part of database hold only one type of information?

what is type database that holds only one type of information

What is a none aura type card in magic the gathering?

Any card that does not have the subtype '- Aura' is a non-Aura card.

The C.fetus subtype of the campylobacter bacteria causes infection in what type of individual?

C. fetus infections tend to occur in those who have diseases of decreased immunity such as AIDS, cancer, etc. This subtype is particularly adapted to protect itself from the body's defenses.

Is schizophrenia a psychosis?

Yes, schizophrenia is a type of psychosis. Psychosis is an abnormality in perception or expression of reality. Schizophrenia is a subtype of this.