Dolphins are marine mammals of the family Delphinidae. An example of a dolphin is Orcinus orca, commonly referred to as the Orca, or the Killer Whale. However, the most commonly known dolphin is Tursiops truncatus, the common bottlenose dolphin.
The scientific name for Risso's Dolphin is Grampus griseus.
The scientific name for the Irrawaddy dolphin is Orcaella brevirostris.
The scientific name for dolphins is Delphinidae. This is the family name that includes various species of dolphins found in the ocean.
A Pink (river) dolphin is another name for the Boto, or Amazon River dolphin. Its scientific name is Inia geoffrensis.
The scientific name for a bottlenose dolphin is Tursiops truncatus.
The scientific name for Risso's Dolphin is Grampus griseus.
Tursiops truncatus is the scientific name for a bottlenose dolphin.
The scientific name for the Irrawaddy dolphin is Orcaella brevirostris.
The scientific name for the hourglass dolphin is Lagenorhynchus cruciger.
The scientific name for dolphins is Delphinidae. This is the family name that includes various species of dolphins found in the ocean.
A Pink (river) dolphin is another name for the Boto, or Amazon River dolphin. Its scientific name is Inia geoffrensis.
Scientific Name: Tursiops
Scientific Name: Tursiops
The scientific name for a bottlenose dolphin is Tursiops truncatus.
The common dolphin's scientific name is Delphinus delphis.
Delphinidae Delphis is the scientific name for a dolphin, but the name varies for each type of dolphin. Hope I helped! =^_^=
Dolphin are of the suborder Odontoceti of the order Cetacea.