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Vendors who deal in specific merchandise:

Artisan and Crafts



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4mo ago

Vendors can be classified based on their size (small, medium, large), ownership (domestic, international), products/services offered (software, hardware, services), relationship to the buyer (preferred, strategic, occasional), and industry vertical (IT, healthcare, retail).

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Q: What are types of vendor classifications?
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How many classifications are in a kingdom?

There are typically five classifications in a kingdom: kingdom, phylum, class, order, and family. These classifications help to organize and categorize different organisms based on their characteristics and evolutionary relationships.

What was not considered in early taxonomic classifications?

In early taxonomic classifications, factors such as genetic relationships and evolutionary history were not considered. These classifications were largely based on physical characteristics and morphology. Additionally, ecological roles and behavior were often overlooked in early classifications.

What is conventional classifications?

Conventional classifications refer to a system of categorizing or organizing things based on traditional or widely accepted criteria. These classifications are often used as a standard framework for organizing information or objects in a familiar way.

What are the classifications of human voice?

The classifications of human voice are soprano, mezzo-soprano, alto (female ranges) and tenor, baritone, bass (male ranges). These classifications are based on vocal range, vocal weight, and timbre.

What are Valve shutoff classifications?

Valve shutoff classifications refer to the ability of a valve to completely stop the flow of a fluid. The classifications include "tight shutoff," which means the valve can fully stop the flow, and "loose shutoff," which indicates some minimal leakage may occur even when the valve is closed. Different valve types and designs offer varying levels of shutoff capabilities based on their intended use and operating conditions.

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The four types of classifications of internal forces are: Axial forces (tension and compression) Shear forces Bending forces (moment) Torsional forces

What are the three types of structural classifications?

soft, moderate and boody solid!

What are the types of pickles?

The major types are dill, sweet, and bread and butter. Other classifications include kosher and gherkin.

What are the 5 types of lettuce?

There are five general types or classifications of lettuce: Butterhead, Crisphead, Looseleaf, Romaine, and Celtuce.

What are the three classifications of geriatric massage?

three types of geriatric massage are good great and bad. those are the three types

How many types of c language files are there?

ASCII and BINARY are the basic classifications of files

In mime types what does vnd stand for eg vnd-msexcel?

"vnd" in this content stands for "vendor". vnd-msexcel is a vendor-specific media type.

What are the two main types of deserts?

The two major classifications of deserts are hot deserts and cold deserts.

What are the two types of account data needed to process a payment?

Vendor Account, Bank Account

what are the clasess of computer?

There are four types in the classifications of the computer by size are Supercomputer, Mainframe computer, Minicomputer, and Micro Computer.