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Cost accounting can be classified into three categories based on time:

  1. Historical cost accounting: Records and analyzes actual costs that have already been incurred.
  2. Standard cost accounting: Sets predetermined costs based on expected costs and actual performance.
  3. Lean accounting: Focuses on eliminating waste and increasing efficiency in real-time cost tracking.
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Q: What are the classification of cost acounting according to time?
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What is the classification of MtFuji?

Mount Fuji is classified as an active stratovolcano, which is also the highest peak in Japan. It is considered an iconic symbol of Japan and has a symmetrical cone shape.

What two classification levels were added since Linnaeus's time?

The classification levels of domain and kingdom were added since Linnaeus's time. These levels help to further categorize and define the diversity of life on Earth beyond Linnaeus's original system of classification.

What does not apply to original classification?

Original classification refers to the process of classifying information at the time it is created. It does not apply to information that has already been classified or declassified, as those would fall under subsequent classification processes. Additionally, original classification does not apply to information that is already publicly available or does not meet the criteria for classification.

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of eager classification versus lazy classification?

Eager classification involves building a model during the training phase, allowing for faster predictions during the testing phase but making it less flexible to changes in the dataset. In contrast, lazy classification postpones the model building until prediction time, which allows for greater adaptability to changes in the dataset but can lead to slower prediction times. Eager classification typically requires more memory and computational resources during training compared to lazy classification.

Why did lavoisiers classification fail?

Lavoisier's classification system failed because it was based on the elemental theory that all substances are composed of earth, air, fire, and water, which was later proven incorrect. Additionally, Lavoisier's system did not account for the wide variety of elements that were discovered after his time, leading to inaccuracies and limitations in classification.

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the time period concept is a GAAP that is generally accepted accounting principle that states that the acounting entries are made in equal periods of time usually on each year

What are classification?

classification systems that are willing to wait a long time.

What is chronological classification of data?

This type of classification involves classification of the data on the basis of the time of its occurrence

What is the cost from London to France by train?

The cost varies according to day of the week or time of day. Check a website.

What are classification systems?

classification systems that are willing to wait a long time.

What is the Classification of words in point of time?

paticular point in time

How much does it cost to go from London to Lahore?

The price varies according to time of year and airline.

Why have classification systems have changed over time?

Classification systems have changed over time because biologists have found better ways to organize the increasing organisms .

What are the different classification of words in point of time?

My professor once told me that the classification of words in point of time has something to do with archaic words or the words that we don't use anymore.

What is the classification of MtFuji?

Mount Fuji is classified as an active stratovolcano, which is also the highest peak in Japan. It is considered an iconic symbol of Japan and has a symmetrical cone shape.

What two classification levels were added since Linnaeus's time?

The classification levels of domain and kingdom were added since Linnaeus's time. These levels help to further categorize and define the diversity of life on Earth beyond Linnaeus's original system of classification.