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Advantages of using a database include efficient data organization, easy data retrieval, and data security. However, disadvantages can include high initial setup costs, potential for data redundancy, and complexity of managing and maintaining the database system.

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Q: What are the advantages disadvanteges of using database?
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What are 2 advantages of using a database than paper?

Two advantages of using a database over paper are increased data security through user access control and faster data retrieval through querying capabilities. Additionally, databases allow for easier data manipulation and organization compared to paper records.

Advantages and disadvantages of relational data model?

Advantages of relational data model include data integrity through normalization, flexibility to query data using SQL, and ease of understanding relationships between entities. Disadvantages can include performance issues with complex queries, potential for data duplication across tables, and difficulty in scaling for very large datasets.

What is the database that contains tables linked by common fields?

A relational database is a database that contains tables linked by common fields. These common fields are used to establish connections between the tables and to retrieve related data across multiple tables using queries.

How do you retrieve data stored in the database into the textarea using ASP?

To retrieve data stored in a database and display it in a textarea using ASP, you can use a server-side script to query the database and fetch the data. Then, you can populate the value of the textarea with the retrieved data by echoing it within the textarea tag during the rendering of the page.

How do you extract information from relational database?

You can extract information from a relational database using Structured Query Language (SQL) queries. By writing SQL queries, you can retrieve data by specifying the table, columns, conditions, and sorting options to meet your requirements. This allows you to extract specific information from the database based on your criteria.