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Advantages of a horizontal filing system include easy access to files, efficient use of space, and better organization of documents. However, disadvantages may include limited storage capacity, difficulties in maintaining file integrity, and challenges in expanding the system.

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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of horizontal filing system?
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What are the disadvantages of subject filing system?

Some disadvantages of subject filing systems include the possibility of inconsistent categorization leading to difficulty in finding specific documents, the need for extensive maintenance to keep categories updated and relevant, and the potential for information overload if subjects become too broad.

What are the advantages and disadvantage of system diagrams?

Advantages of system diagrams include visualizing complex systems, identifying relationships between components, and facilitating communication among stakeholders. Disadvantages may include oversimplification, potential misinterpretation, and difficulty in capturing dynamic interactions.

What are the advantages of Subject system of filing?

The subject filing system method allows the data to be arranged based on the subject or topic. The main advantage of this system is the ability to store and retrieve records alphabetically by subject.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of system analysis?

Advantages of system analysis are:The data is reliable.You can see exactly what is being done.It is inexpensive compared to other techniques.Disadvantages of system analysis are:Being watched may make people uncomfortable and they may work differently.The observations may not be typical of a normal day's work.Workers who violate normal procedures may not do that while being watched.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the 3 domain system over the 5 kingdom classification system in biology).?

Advantages of the 3 domain system include a more accurate representation of the evolutionary relationships between organisms and a clearer distinction between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. However, a disadvantage is that it may oversimplify the complexity of microbial diversity compared to the 5 kingdom system which provides a more detailed classification structure for eukaryotes.

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i need to know that "What r the advantages and disadvantages of remote working system " i need to know that "What r the advantages and disadvantages of remote working system "

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it helps a file not to be deleted

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The same advantages and disadvantages of doing your mumi.