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small thing that live on a human body

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5mo ago

Parasites are organisms that live on or in a host organism and rely on the host for nutrients and shelter. They can cause harm to the host by competing for resources, causing damage to tissues, or transmitting diseases. Examples of parasites include ticks, tapeworms, and malaria-causing parasites.

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Is bush meat healthy?

No, it may contain diseases or paracites that farmed meet will not have.

Why parasites do not contain chloroplasts?

Paracites obtain carbon from other organisms.They are not photosynthetic.

Are insects parasites?

No! paracites are the bad ones most incects have a good purpose such as bee's who polinate.

Does cleaner wrasse eat parrotfish'?

No, cleaner wrasse do not eat parrot fish, they eat the paracites off of these creatures

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Seaweeds have to deal with propellors, turtles, crustateans, and other nautical paracites.

What is the healthiest part of a banana?

the skin, however its advised not to eat it due to the amonut of paracites that it grew with

What do paracites eat?

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Do parasites have mitochondria?

No, parasites do not have their own mitochondria. Instead, they rely on the host cell's mitochondria for energy production and other metabolic functions.

What are the cells that are found in consumers and those that are found in producers?

The cells found in producers are capable of photosynthesis as in case of green plants. The consumer cells lack the capacity of photosynthesis as in case of animals and paracites.

What it it called when an organism feeds off another organism?

Fleas and ticks, and other paracites can usually feed of animals without killing them. I know this answer isn't good, but ain't it better than the last?

What are vampires relate of?

Vampires are imaginary creatures. There is no such thing in the real world. the closest thing in the real world are vampire bats leches and other bloos sucking paracites. vampires may be fun to read about but they are fiction.

What medicine can kill mange?

yes and no. lice medicine is designed to kill paracites but mange is a side effect off paracites so it might kill the mange causing paracite but the symptoms of mange will still be there ie loss of fur rashness bleeding all that good stuff