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Indexed databases are databases that use an index data structure to efficiently retrieve and access data. The index stores keys and pointers to the actual data, allowing for faster search and retrieval of information. Indexes help in optimizing performance by reducing the number of disk accesses needed to locate specific data.

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Q: What are indexed data bases?
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What is a indexed sequential file?

An indexed sequential file is a type of file organization where data records are stored sequentially in the order of key values. An index is maintained to help locate records quickly. This combination of sequential storage and indexing allows for efficient access to data in both sequential and random access patterns.

What is a database that holds a duplicate set of frequently used data?

A cache database is a storage mechanism that holds a duplicate set of frequently used data in a way that allows for faster retrieval times. This helps to reduce the need to fetch data from the original source, improving the overall performance of applications and systems.

What data fields are required in indexing?

The specific data fields required for indexing can vary depending on the indexing system being used. However, some common data fields that are typically required include document title, document content, author or creator, date created or published, and keywords or tags. These data fields help organize and retrieve the indexed information effectively.

In reference to search utilities what does an index do?

An index in search utilities helps to organize and retrieve information quickly by creating a reference of keywords and their corresponding locations within the data. This speeds up search operations as the system can directly navigate to the indexed keywords instead of having to scan through the entire dataset.

Discuss the main characteristics of the database approach and how it differs from traditional file system?

The database approach centralizes data storage and management in a structured manner using tables and relationships, promoting data integrity and security. It supports complex queries and transactions. In contrast, traditional file systems store data in separate files without inherent relationships, making it less efficient for managing complex data and ensuring consistency.

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What is indexed addressing mode?

When stored in contiguous blocks, data usually has a base address. Accessing any data from the block requires an offset to the base address which is achieved through an index. The adding of an offset to the base address is called indexed addressing.

What is a indexed sequential file?

An indexed sequential file is a type of file organization where data records are stored sequentially in the order of key values. An index is maintained to help locate records quickly. This combination of sequential storage and indexing allows for efficient access to data in both sequential and random access patterns.

The data blocks of a very large file in the Unix file system are allocated using?

an extensioin of indexed allocation

What is the role of ESE in active directory?

The role of ESE in an active directory is to store and retrieve data through indexed and sequential access.Its the data storage technology from Microsoft.

What is the purpose of DI register in microprocessor in 8086?

DI is the Index register in Data segment(16-bit, 64 KB) .Destination Index (DI) is a 16-bit register. DI is used for indexed, based indexed and register indirect addressing, as well as a destination data address in string manipulation instructions.

How information is indexed in each of search engines?

Every Search engine robots crawl data all the websites..Which is running on the internet..

What is the process of organizing the memory into 2 banks to allow 8-bit and 16-bit data operation is called?

Indexed mapping

Which addressing modes does an Intel 386 processor support?

* Direct * Register Indirect * Based Mode * Indexed Mode * Scaled Indexed Mode * Based Indexed mode * Based scaled indexed mode * Based Indexed mode with displacement * Based scaled indexed mode with displacement

What is a indexed?

It's like a reference table, telling you where data is located in the table. Good indexes are small, and thus they allow very fast look-up times for the data being searched.

Is nursing journal of India indexed?

yes, it is indexed journal.

Is JPMA a indexed journal?

Yes, JPMA (Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association) is an indexed journal. It is indexed in various databases such as PubMed, Scopus, and Embase.