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A database.

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Q: What are a collection of factoids of a specific type that contain specific pieces of data within a record called?
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There is no specific collective noun for bandicoots.

Where will you find a album of Patsy Cline called the collection?

Which collection? She has several "collection" albums. She has the Patsy Cline Collection, Definitive Collection, Ultimate Collection, Essential Collection, etc. Please be more specific.

What is collection of coins called?

Collection of coins is called collection of cons only n there is no specific word for it. It is different from numismatics as numismatics is the systematic study of coins. Mere collection of coins cannot be called as numismatics.

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A collection of papers is often referred to as a "document" or a "file." It can also be called a "portfolio," especially if the papers are organized or curated for a specific purpose.

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A collection of similar cells is called a tissue. Tissues are groups of cells that work together to perform specific functions in the body.

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What is a collection of magic spells called?

There are many names a collection of spells could be called. Here are a few: - a Book of Shadows (although these rarely contain just spells) - a Grimoire (again, these usually contain many things including spells) - a Magical Workbook (this is what mine are called and I have many) - a Magician's Companion/Compendium - a Book of Spells

What is the sections of DNA that contain instructions fro producing specific proteins called?

The sections of DNA that contain instructions for producing specific proteins are called genes. Genes are made up of specific sequences of nucleotides that encode the information needed for the synthesis of proteins.

What is a collection of pages bound together?

A collection of pages bound together is called a book. It can contain written, printed, or blank content, and is typically held together by a cover and spine.

What is called the collection of commands that a specific CPU executes?

machine code instruction set or assembly language

What is a collection of ship called?

A collection or group of ships is called a fleet. There are more specific terms for a group of ships. A substantial group of warships is called a naval fleet while a group of small ships is called a flotilla.

What is a collection of maps in book form?

An atlas is a collection of maps typically bound together in book form. Atlases can contain maps of different regions, countries, or thematic content. They are often used for reference or educational purposes.