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True. Personally identifiable information (PII) refers to information that can be used to identify or contact a specific individual, either on its own or in conjunction with other information. Examples include names, social security numbers, email addresses, and biometric data.

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Q: True or False The term personally identifiable information refers to information which can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity alone or in combination with other personal or iden?
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Select the two requirements listed below that must be satisfied for information to be considered individually identifiable.?

The information can be used alone or in combination with other available information to identify an individual. The information must be able to distinguish an individual from others in a population or group.

Select the two requirements listed below that must be satisfied for information to be considered individually identifiable?

The information can be used on its own or in combination with other information to identify an individual. The information must be directly related to or be about an individual for it to be considered individually identifiable.

What types of information could affect confidentiality?

Information such as personal identifiable information (PII), financial information, medical records, and private communications can all affect confidentiality if they are disclosed or accessed by unauthorized individuals. Sharing of passwords, negligence in handling sensitive data, and insecure communication channels can also compromise confidentiality.

Which of the following would unlikely be considered personnally identifiable information?

Information such as a person's favorite color or food preference is unlikely to be considered personally identifiable information. This type of information does not typically reveal a person's identity or allow for direct identification of an individual.

Which of the folloeing is an example of personally identifiable information pii?

Examples of personally identifiable information (PII) include names, social security numbers, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and financial account numbers, as they can be used to identify or locate an individual.

Related questions

Select the two requirements listed below that must be satisfied for information to be considered individually identifiable.?

The information can be used alone or in combination with other available information to identify an individual. The information must be able to distinguish an individual from others in a population or group.

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Wikianswers does not supply personally identifiable information for individuals.

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Wikianswers doesn't provide personally identifiable information for private individuals.

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Wikianswers does not provide personally identifiable information about individuals.

What is Shahid Afridi's email ID?

Wikianswers does not supply personally identifiable information for individuals.

Are telephone numbers an example of personally identifiable information?

Yes, they are part of what is called "personally identifiable information" for the purposes of data security. Personally identifiable information is any data that could potentially identify a specific individual. Any information that can be used to distinguish one person from another or that can be used to pick specifics out of anonymous data can be considered personally identifiable. Especially in the cases of children, phone numbers are part of the personally identifiable information that should NOT be shared online in order to stay safe. (Telephone numbers are not unique to an individual and cannot be used as a form of ID.)

Select the two requirements listed below that must be satisfied for information to be considered individually identifiable?

The information can be used on its own or in combination with other information to identify an individual. The information must be directly related to or be about an individual for it to be considered individually identifiable.

What is Mikel Obi of Chelsea FC Private email address?

Wikianswers doesn't supply personally identifiable information for public individuals.

What did HIPPA broaden the definition of personally identifiable information PII to include?

HIPPA broadened the definition of personally identifiable information to include Health Information.

What does pii stand for?

Personally Identifiable Information

Is personal information is also known as personally identifiable information?


What are examples of personal identifiable information?

All of the Above