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This organism is most closely related to animals in the Phylum Arthropoda because it shares key characteristics such as a segmented body, jointed appendages, and an exoskeleton. These traits are common in arthropods like beetles, indicating a close evolutionary relationship.

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Q: This organism is most closely related to animals in the Phylum Arthropoda the phylum that contains beetles because it has?
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Why is animalia the biggest kingdom?

Animalia is the largest kingdom because it includes a wide variety of organisms with complex structures and functions. Animals exhibit diverse modes of reproduction, feeding, and behavior, leading to high species diversity and abundance compared to other kingdoms. Additionally, animals have evolved adaptations that allow them to inhabit diverse habitats worldwide.

Where do most of the phyla of the animal kingdom of animals occur?

Most animal phyla occur in marine environments, particularly in the oceans. This is because the marine environment offers a wide range of habitats that can support diverse forms of life and provide opportunities for evolutionary divergence.

Why is the lion an animalia?

The lion belongs to the Animalia kingdom because it is a multicellular organism that exhibits characteristics like consuming organic matter, reproducing sexually, and lacking a cell wall. These traits classify it as an animal under the biological classification system.

Why photosynthetic tissue are not found in animals and muscle tissue in plants?

Photosynthetic tissue is not found in animals because animals do not possess the necessary organelles, such as chloroplasts, to carry out photosynthesis. Muscle tissue in plants is not necessary because plants do not require muscle tissue for movement, as they rely on other structures, such as specialized cells and turgor pressure, for support and growth.

Why is a spider classified as an animal?

Spiders are classified as animals because they belong to the kingdom Animalia. They are multicellular, heterotrophic organisms that possess specialized cells and tissues, as well as a defined body structure with distinct organ systems. Additionally, spiders exhibit characteristics such as mobility, growth, and reproduction that align with the defining features of animals.

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Why is animalia the biggest kingdom?

Animalia is the largest kingdom because it includes a wide variety of organisms with complex structures and functions. Animals exhibit diverse modes of reproduction, feeding, and behavior, leading to high species diversity and abundance compared to other kingdoms. Additionally, animals have evolved adaptations that allow them to inhabit diverse habitats worldwide.

What is the organism who cells contains a nucleus?

its you momy and your dady because your rode

Is the organism a producer or consumer?

Consumer because it eats other animals

Why do biologist examine animals?

Because an animal is a living organism, which is part of an ecosystem.

Is a fox an organism?

Yes. All animals and plants are organisms because they contain carbon.Yes. All animals and plants are organisms because they contain carbon.

Why must animals eat other organism to survive?

Because animals are not able to photosynthesize energy from the sun for their own needs.

Why is the nucleus said to have the instructions for life?

The nucleus contains the genetic material, including DNA, which carries the instructions for making proteins and controlling cellular activities. These instructions are important for the functioning and development of the organism, making the nucleus the control center of the cell and often referred to as having the "instructions for life."

Where do most of the phyla of the animal kingdom of animals occur?

Most animal phyla occur in marine environments, particularly in the oceans. This is because the marine environment offers a wide range of habitats that can support diverse forms of life and provide opportunities for evolutionary divergence.

What animal classification group is the crayfish in?

To classify organisms, we use the five-kingdom system of classification. Obviously, the crayfish is not an amoeba-like organism or a single-cell organism. It is clearly not a plant, because it does not manufacture its own food, has a nerve cord and can move. Therefore it must be an animal. It is actually relatively complex as animals go. I know its classification to phylum level: Kingdom: Animalia - Animals.Subkindgom: Metazoa - Animals with a digestive tract.Phylum: Chordata - Animals with a neural tube. The crayfish, as a crustacean, is not a vertebrate, but it is still quite a complex animal.

How does competition for resources affect animals diet?

because if the organism doesn't have food it will die of hunger

Is a zygote unicellular?

Yes, a zygote is a unicellular organism formed by the fusion of two gametes (sperm and egg). It contains the full set of genetic information needed to develop into a multicellular organism.

Why is saliva a base?

because it contains bi-carbonate, a substance that is released by an organism's saliva to quell heart burn.