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Informational Influence and Normative Influence are both categorized under conformity in sociology.

Informational is basically when we conform to others behavior because we believe it provides information about reality. It is often when we care about getting the right answer and trying to be rational. It also deals with the "Maybe they know something I don't know" phenomenon. An example could be choosing to eat at a busier restaurant opposed to the empty one, or imitating the locals when outside your country.

In contrast, Normative Influence is when we conform to others behavior because they expect us to. This is when we believe conforming may have positive consequences, such as approval or the enhancement of our reputation, or when we believe not conforming may have negative consequences, such as disapproval or punishment. An example of Normative Influence is laughing at a joke you don't get, or agreeing with an opinion you believe others have.

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Informational social influence occurs when individuals conform to a group's behavior or beliefs because they believe others possess accurate knowledge. Normative social influence involves conforming to group norms to gain approval or acceptance and avoid rejection or social disapproval.

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Compare the advantages and disadvantages of eager classification versus lazy classification?

Eager classification involves building a model during the training phase, allowing for faster predictions during the testing phase but making it less flexible to changes in the dataset. In contrast, lazy classification postpones the model building until prediction time, which allows for greater adaptability to changes in the dataset but can lead to slower prediction times. Eager classification typically requires more memory and computational resources during training compared to lazy classification.

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A taxonomist looks for shared physical traits and genetic relationships when classifying an animal. These characteristics help determine the animal's evolutionary lineage and its place within the classification system.

What is the difference between database and data warehouse?

A database is a structured collection of data that is organized in a way that facilitates efficient storage, retrieval, and updating of data. A data warehouse, on the other hand, is a specialized type of database that is specifically designed for data analysis and reporting. Data warehouses typically store large volumes of historical data from various sources to support business intelligence and decision-making processes.

What is the difference between taxon and taxonomy?

taxonomy is a classification of animals and taxon is any grouping of organisms at any level of classification.

Describe all major ethical issues related to information technology and identify situations in which they occur?

Privacy and Confidentiality - all web communications are subject to "eavesdropping". Browsers record your activities in history files. Cookies deposited by web sites collect information about you and your browsing. EG many online e-commerce sites use cookies to track buying habits. When these cookies are collected into a database, they may reveal identities of individuals. Some companies sell these databases. Freedom and Censorship of Speech - people have to respect Copyright laws, and many of these laws are being violated, resulting in other laws being enforced banning people from downloading things like music off the Internet. It is good for musicians who don't want their music stolen, but bad for musicians who are wanting their music to be downloaded so they can become popular. There are also people who warp what other people say, or criticise it. This isn't fair because the Internet is open to anyone to say whatever they want. Security - it is becoming increasingly easy to hack into people's computers and websites. This needs to be stopped because hacking into someones computer is the equivalent to breaking into someones house - it shouldn't happen. Computer Crimes and Computer Related Crimes - like Security, more and more people are hacking into computers and programmes. A lot more crimes are being committed over and because of the Internet also. For example people can hack into bank accounts and steal money, or manipulate systems to cause destruction. A man in Australia hacked into a sewerage system and released millions of litres of raw waste into rivers and parks.

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