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There is no specific number of times a piece of information needs to be documented to be considered common knowledge. Common knowledge is information that is widely known and understood within a specific community or society without the need for citation. It is generally accepted as true without the need for verification.

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Q: Information can be considered common knowledge of it is documented how many times?
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What types of information does not need to be cited in academic writing?

Common knowledge, widely accepted facts, and information that is considered general knowledge in the field do not need to be cited in academic writing.

Is the word information a noun?

Yes, the word 'information' is a noun, a common, uncountable, abstract noun; a word for knowledge derived from study, or experience; knowledge that has been gathered by communication; a word for a thing.

Do facts and common knowledge need to be cited?

Facts and common knowledge that are widely known and accepted do not typically need to be cited. However, if the information is not widely known or if it is critical to your argument, it is best practice to cite the source to provide credibility and avoid plagiarism.

For which information must you cite your source in a research paper?

You should cite your source for any information that is not considered common knowledge, any direct quotes, paraphrased ideas, statistics, or data that is not your own, and any research studies or findings that have influenced your work. It is important to give credit to the original source to avoid plagiarism and to allow readers to locate the information for further reference.

Which type of information requires citation?

Information that is not common knowledge, borrowed from another source, or taken from a specific study or research needs to be cited. This includes direct quotes, paraphrased information, statistics, and ideas or theories that are not your own.

Related questions

Is it common knowledge or must it be documented?

It is common knowledge when information is widely known and accepted. When in doubt, it is best to document information to ensure accuracy and transparency.

Information found in the public domain is considered to be common knowledge?

Not necessarily. But common knowledge is considered to be in the public domain.

What is considered common knowledge?

Common knowledge - facts or knowledge widely known and undisputed.

When do you give attribution?

Attribution should be given to direct quotes, and to information not considered to be "common knowledge."

What types of information does not need to be cited in academic writing?

Common knowledge, widely accepted facts, and information that is considered general knowledge in the field do not need to be cited in academic writing.

Is common knowledge considered to be information that can be found by various sources?

Common knowledge typically refers to information that is widely known and accepted within a particular community or society. While common knowledge can often be found in various sources, such as textbooks or encyclopedias, the key characteristic is that it is generally known without needing a specific citation.

What do not need a citation?

Personal opinions, common knowledge, and widely accepted facts or information that are considered general knowledge do not typically require a citation.

In research you must document the source of all specific information unless its?

In research, you must document the source of all specific information unless it is considered common knowledge. Common knowledge includes widely known facts that are easily verifiable and not attributed to a specific source.

Does Common Knowledge in a public domain need to be cited?

Common knowledge information does not need to be cited.

Is information a common nouns?

Yes, the word 'information' is a common noun; a general word for knowledge derived from study, or experience; knowledge that has been gathered by communication; a general word for information of any kind.

Would common knowledge information be cited in paper?

Common knowledge information does not need to be cited in a paper, as it is information that is widely known and accepted. However, if you are unsure whether something is common knowledge, it is always best to err on the side of caution and provide a citation to give credit to the original source.

What five things that must be cited or documented?

Direct quotes from a source. Paraphrased information or ideas from a source. Data or statistics obtained from a source. Images, graphs, or tables created by someone else. Ideas, theories, or concepts that are not common knowledge.