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Some common types of documents used in data processing include spreadsheets (e.g. Excel), databases (e.g. SQL), text files (e.g. CSV), and XML files. These documents are used to store, organize, and manipulate data for various data processing tasks.

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Q: Identify type of documents used in data processing?
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What is called an collection of records in data processing?

A collection of records in data processing is typically referred to as a database. It is a structured set of data stored in a computer system that is organized in a way that allows for easy retrieval, manipulation, and management of the information contained within it.

What is digitally stored data?

Digitally stored data refers to information that is saved in a digital format on electronic devices such as computers, servers, or other storage media. This data can include documents, images, videos, and any other type of information that can be stored in a digital form for easy access and retrieval.

What are the objectives of selecting a data type for a field?

The objectives of selecting a data type for a field include ensuring data integrity by restricting the type of values that can be stored, optimizing storage space by choosing the most appropriate data type for the data being stored, and facilitating efficient data retrieval and manipulation by selecting a data type that best fits the operations that will be performed on the data.

In iPERMS Indexing which data fields are required?

For iPERMS Indexing, the data fields that are commonly required include the Soldier's name, Social Security Number (SSN), document type, document date, and document title. These fields are important for correctly identifying and categorizing documents within the system.

What determines the kind of data that a field can contain?

The data type of a field determines the kind of data it can contain. For example, a field with a data type of "Text" can contain letters and numbers, while a field with a data type of "Number" can only contain numerical values. The data type is set when designing the database schema.

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If data is processed once as soon as it arrives this type of data processing is called?

batch processing

Are database and a word-processing program the same?

No, they are very different. A database is for storing and manipulating data. A word processor allows you to type text and design documents like letters.

Data processing techniques?

There are a number of data processing techniques that can be used. The most common ones are batch processing, online processing, real-time processing and distributed processing.

What type of data does system restore leave unaffected?

documents, pictures, personal data

What type of processing collects programs and data together before processing and then processes the data all at once?

you might be referring to batch, but your question is unclear.

What is the most common use of word processing software?

Mostly to type documents for school, business, presentations, etc.

What type of software is mainly used to manipulate text and data?

Word processing

What is a word in a computer?

If you mean Microsoft Word than this is a text processing program.

Which data type links files created in other programs such as pictures sound clips or documents?

An attachment is the data type that links files created in other programs.

Disadvantages of word processor?

There are a few disadvantages to using word processing to type documents other than hand writing them or using a type writer. One disadvantage is that data can be lost due to a computer malfunction. Also it requires a computer, people who do not have a computer will not be able to use it. It is also hard to type in different languages.

What is an identify?

An identifier is nothing but a data type. It may variable, content, structure or a pointer.

Which type of data uses the least bandwidth?

Primitive data types are smaller in size and hence are efficient in processing and use the least bandwidth.