A computer reads and interprets information through its central processing unit (CPU) which executes instructions stored in its memory. These instructions are represented in binary code (0s and 1s) and are translated by the CPU into signals that control the computer's hardware components to perform tasks and processes.
When information is implicit, it is implied or suggested without being clearly stated. This may require the reader or listener to interpret the information based on context or background knowledge.
Implicit information refers to information that is not directly stated but can be inferred from context, background knowledge, or non-verbal cues. It requires the reader or listener to make connections and interpret meaning beyond the surface level of communication.
To retrieve information from a computer, you can use various methods such as browsing the internet, accessing files and folders on the computer's storage, running commands in the terminal, using applications to extract data, or connecting to external storage devices. Each method depends on the type of information you need and how it is stored on the computer.
The age of personal information found on a computer depends on when it was last updated or accessed. The information could be recent if it was accessed recently, or it could be older if it has not been updated for a long time. It is important to consider the last modification date or time stamp to determine the age of the personal information.
A report is a database object that summarizes the fields and records from a table or query in an easy-to-read format suitable for printing. It typically presents data in a structured layout, allowing users to analyze and interpret information efficiently. Reports often include titles, headers, footers, and may contain graphics or charts for visual representation.
Read a two dimensional graphs interpret the information extract information from graph and aplly to a real world
so when you need to find out information you wont get the wrong answers
ROM (read only memory)
no one can understand chemistry without it
When there is too much data for the Computer to read.
process control is the processing of relevant information that is read by the computer but first has to be transferred to binary language to be read.
You can go to crc.org to read up more information
You can find specific information about the Abacus' contribution to the development of the computer from computer history websites on the Internet. You can also read about it from textbooks.
Codec is a piece of software that translates video and audio data into and from proprietary formats of which MKV is one. It is the codec that enables the computer to interpret data from the proprietary source format.
the difference between computer literacy and information literacy is that for computer litercy you get answers quickly but for info literacy u have to read to get info.
== == contains stored information that can be read on computer
Information is written, and read from the hard drive.